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St. Francis Convent


A long cherished dream was being fulfilled by starting a convent at Pawasa in Ujjain. Though our sisters have been working in the diocese of Ujjain since 1970 and we had 4 convents, it was all owned by the diocese. It was a felt need to have a house of our own for common gathering. A convent somewhere near the Bishop's house at Ujjain would be very helpful to the sisters. Besides we needed a formation house to conduct postulancy. Also we were in the need of a prayer house. It was at this juncture that the M.S.T. fathers sought the co-operation and collaboration of the F.C.C. sisters of Jalandhar Province in their apostolate of education at Pawasa near Ujjain. The small house was blessed by Rt. Rev. Dr. Sebastian Vadakkel Bishop of Ujjain on 27th June 2007 and it was named St. Francis Convent Pawasa. The residence of the sisters was shifted to the newly blessed convent at Pawasa on 1st September 2007. To build a formation cum prayer house was the cherished dream behind the starting of the convent at Pawasa. Finally the dream was fulfilled on 10th April 2012 when the newly constructed convent building is blessed and inaugurated by His Excellency Mar Sebastian Vadakkel Bishop of Ujjain.

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